Thursday, 22 September 2016

Time for an Update

Wow, it has been such a long time since I posted an update here. 2016 has been a bit of a whirlwind here at the Kitty Cat house. There was the big move in March from Western Australia
 to Seattle in the USA.
Such an exciting place to be and so many changes to get used to. The biggest ones for me so far have been driving on the other side of the road, which was terrifying at first and cars that stop for pedestrians! So far, I am finding Seattle to be a lovely city with inspiration in so many random locations. A pretty garden around one corner, a lovely gate around another and awesome artworks in unexpected places. Now that I have had a chance to draw breath, I am finding myself inspired to sew and create again. I bought some craft projects with me from Australia and have been working on a few new designs too.
So far, I have made some shawls,

seen some awesome scenery,

embroidered and appliqued some blocks for three ongoing quilts,

driven across the border into a different country (a great novelty for someone from Australia!),

designed some new patterns for my Craftsy Pattern Store,

climbed a mountain (well part of it anyway),
caught some Pokemon

and completed some small projects
As you can see, Seattle is keeping me busy. Now that I am getting more organized, I will have more to add here soon...