Friday 3 October 2014

Time to Get Real

OK, so I'm hoping this blog will help me to complete some long (long, long) overdue UFO's and also give me a place to share my inspirations to craft.

My main interests are in the textile crafts. I love to sew, patchwork, quilt, dressmake, embroider and knit. I also design, edit and modify in these crafts. I love seeing where my imagination can take me.

Today's project was to add the gusset to my Happy Hexies Storage Bag. This project was one of the Gift of the Month Club projects from 2013. I completed the embroidery for the front of the bag way back in April and the poor bag has been waiting until now for the gusset to be stitched in.

One handy hint I would have found useful today is to have the bag front or back nearest the bed of the sewing machine and the gusset piece facing me, when you are sewing the two together. Having the pieces this way around makes it much easier to complete the rounded corners. I initially tried it with the bag front facing me and found that the gusset section had moved in each of the corners, slipping away from the stitching. A little unpicking, re-pinning and stitching with the gusset facing me and now it is done. All ready for the final hand-stitching of the bindings.

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