Thursday, 5 January 2017

2016 in Review

While a stressful year in many respects, 2016 was quite a productive year for my crafts. I completed a total of 73 projects in the year. These ranged from simple mending (ugh!) to designing my own projects. As in recent years, I knitted a lot, ending 2016 with a total of 11 completed shawls, 2 hats, 2 doilies and 1 knitted castle. Only 3 of my projects were test knits this year as I wanted to be able to devote my time more to designing.

As I mentioned in my half year update, I was happy with the projects that I had completed at that time. Things became a bit more settled in the second half of the year and I was able to spend more of my time with my crafts.

My knitting in the second part of the year was just for my pleasure. I completed these shawls:
Hand Knit Shawls
And this nice warm beanie, just in time for the cooler weather!
Knitted Beanie

 I completed 2 more embroidered block for my 1930's Ladies quilt. Only 9 more to stitch!
Embroidered Ladies
I continued to make Granny Squares when I had a few minutes.
Crochet Granny Squares
I designed and released 6 new patterns, all of which are available in my Craftsy Store.
I have been overjoyed to be selling my original patterns. Each sale has given me so much pleasure. An enormous Thank You to each and every person who has purchased a pattern this year.
Kitty Cat Crafts Patterns

 As we got closer to Christmas, I wanted to add some festive feeling to the apartment. The Christmas Snowballs Set helped. I also made this easy wreath
Patchwork Wreath
after watching this YouTube video.

Then I was inspired by our weather here in Seattle and some houses in the neighborhood to make some Snowflakes to decorate our windows. I was inspired by this lovely leaflet to crochet snowflakes! I have not crocheted much for years, so was a bit rusty. Once I got started, I enjoyed it so much that I made every one in the leaflet!
Crochet Snowflakes
Now it is time to think about new projects for 2017, new designs and conquering the ever present pile of UFO's!